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A new accessibility tool that got us talking

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One product taking big steps forward for accessibility

UX/UI Designer and Beth Matthews, author of accessibility blog post
Written by Beth Matthews

Accessibility is something we never stop talking about at Atomic Smash. We’re always learning and looking for ways to improve, so we can ensure we’re creating equitable designs that make the web a more accessible place for those with disabilities.

For tech users with cognitive or fine-motor disabilities, using a mobile device or a mouse can be an incredibly frustrating and isolating experience.

Unfortunately, a large number of websites are not up-to-scratch when it comes to accessibility. This means some users are left unable to complete tasks or find information they need.

You can help disabled users by ensuring that:

  1. Your website is fully navigable via a keyboard
  2. You’re considering the placement and size of buttons and links on mobile
  3. You’re looking at how well your website performs across portrait and landscape devices

Thankfully, with an evolving tech market, new accessibility tools are frequently coming into play. And these are changing the web for good.

New accessibility tool: MouthPad^

What’s new with this accessibility tool?

MouthPad^ is a new and very exciting product that could change how users interact with tech. The device allows users to control their phone or computer with their tongue, giving a completely hands-free experience without compromise.

All a user needs is the custom-fit mouthpiece and bluetooth enabled on their device of choice. It works across most operating systems and does not limit users based on the age of their device or the version they are running on.

The device is invisible to others during use and requires no laborious or confusing set up. It’s an accessibility dream!

How does this accessibility tool actually work?

Using this accessibility tool, users can control their device with a set of tongue and head movements, alongside breath control. Basic controls include tongue press for left click and drag, and sip motion for right click, but the controls are fully customisable to the users preferences.

New gestures and features are being tested and added frequently. Plus, battery life and performance-over-time are key focal points of the product’s evolution.

Watch MouthPad^ in action: Using the Tongue to Navigate Google Maps

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Human-centred design

We believe in human-centered design that empowers users and removes the barriers they may sadly be very used to facing. Everyone should have equal access to information, regardless of a number of factors such as disability, location, culture or ability.

Products like MouthPad are an exciting step forward for accessibility and one that the Atomic Smash team will be keeping an eye on. We love seeing new ideas and products grow and evolve over time, because if we’re not always evolving then we’re not moving forward.

UX/UI Designer and Insights Specialist Matt Woodman, author of accessibility guide

Further reading: The business case for accessibility

Get your definitive guide to digital accessibility, inclusive human-centred design, and why it matters. Written by award-winning UX & UI Designer, Matt Woodman.

Beth looking at camera in front of a tunnel

Beth Matthews UX/UI Designer

Monday 5th February 2024