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Using data to bring customers back to buy

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Inside the CMO’s Guide to Performance with Google’s Shruti Maheshwari

Customers could get distracted. They could change their minds. Your checkout process could be overcomplicated. Friction could throw them off.

These are all possible reasons why your eCommerce customer might add a product to their cart, but not complete the purchase journey.

Without data, you won’t know the true reason.

And if you don’t know, you can’t fix it.

That was the opening jist of the keynote talk from The CMO’s Guide to Peak Performance, organised by Launch. It was on ‘navigating measurement during peak’ and delivered by Shruti Maheshwari, Regional Product Lead – Privacy Centric Measurement, at Google. Here are some key points from that talk.

Bring customers back to buy

Attribution, experiments and marketing mixed models (MMM) need to be combined. This is your most powerful measurement strategy – a formula for digital success. 

Data helps you keep pace – even stay ahead of the curve. But to track, you need consent. Important factors for measurement and privacy:

Get your foundations in order first. Then you can connect the dots. Set up a robust measurement foundation, and then your team can take full advantage of the tools they need:


You can unlock growth with high quality data and AI-driven advertising, while balancing personalisation and privacy. Do this, and you’ll bring customers back to buy.

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Tess Coughlan-Allen Marketing Lead

Thursday 10th October 2024